Hamlet Lives Forever

Hamlet Lives Forever

By: Horatio Clare
Reader: Julian Rhind-Tutt
Source: link

It is a perfect day in paradise. Paradise, as everyone knows, is an
apple orchard on a bright spring morning. The air is warm, the sky
is a shining blue. It is the first day of the year when you can feel the
sun right through you. There are bees flying, and high up the first
swallows have arrived. The trees are thick with apple blossom. You
can smell its sweet green scent, and now you can hear a voice, the
excited shout of a boy.
“Dad? Dad! It is you! Hurrah!”
That is Hamnet. Hamnet Shakespeare, 11 years old and bounding
through the trees. He is running towards a man who has just
walked in through the orchard gate. That man is Hamnet’s father,
William Shakespeare.


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